Last Friday night, I headed over to the CJOB radio studioes after supper to participate in the Stephanie Staples Presents...Your Life Unlimited show at 8 pm.
It was snowing heavily so I left with time to spare, just in case, and arrived a full 1/2 hour ahead of show time. So I waited in the lobby. Check out the famous faces in the background.

While I was waiting for everyone to arrive, I was scribbling some last minute notes. Stephanie had asked me to send her some possible interview questions, so I decided to jot down some answers. Not that I read the notes during the interview, but having written down a few thoughts, it helped with recall later.

Also on the show was Savannah Funk-Unrau from University of Winnipeg's TEBLO and faculty advisor Dr. Laura Sokal, Professor in the Faculty of Education. TEBLO is raising money to build a school in Nicaragua and Savannah was promoting an up-coming fundraising concert.
The new CJOB studios are gorgeous and each one of us had a desk, microphone, headset and ample room for our notes.

Stephanie was in full command of the controls, pushing buttons and flipping switches like a pro.

I decided to take one last photo before we went on the air.

And before I knew it, the hour was up and we were done. What fun to spend an hour with these amazing women, chatting about my favorite topics - starting a business, taking the first step with a new idea, organization, my company and living with intention.

Thank you Stephanie for a wonderful evening. I hope we can "chat" again soon!